About Us

Shipping Information

Shipping & Handling charges varies depending on these factors: size, weight, quantity, and location of merchandise to be delivered.

All orders take 1 to 3 business days (Mon-Fri) to process before being shipped from our warehouse. In most cases, it usually takes 1 day to process your order. Processing Time is completely separate from the Shipping Time. To estimate Delivery Time, please consider the following: Processing Time + Shipping Time = Delivery Time

Please note: CharmCell will not be responsible for shipping delays once the merchandise leaves our warehouse.

Orders that are returned or rejected by recipient will be subject to additional re-shipping charges added to the initial shipping cost. Returned packages that are not re-shipped will be subject to a $12 re-stocking fee billed to the customer.


Also we offer a Free Shipping Options ( * Otter Box and Charger not included *)

In GTA Area

Free Shipping for Over $300 before Tax

In Ontario&QC Area

Free Shipping for Over $400 before Tax

Out of Ontario&QC

Free Shipping for Over $600 before Tax

The following is the link for major shipping companies.
you can go the shipping company's website to track your shipment.